There's a Spanish story of a father and son who had become estranged. The son ran away, and the father set off to find him. He searched for months to no avail. Finally, in a last desperate effort to find him, the father put an ad in a Madrid newspaper. The ad read: Dear Paco, meet me in front of this newspaper office at noon on Saturday. All is forgiven. I love you. Your Father. On Saturday 800 Pacos showed up, looking for forgiveness and love from their fathers. (
I think we might find this to be true in our world today. If you were to look around I believe you would find a world that is desperately in need of the practice of forgiveness. But instead it seems our world has far too much fury and wrath. People lack compassion, mercy and grace. Yet we as Christians, followers of Christ, fall victim to the mentality of wrath, judgment, and fury, when instead we should be the exemplars of the aforementioned virtues. We might be able to better model compassion, mercy, and grace if we look to Jesus' public ministry in light of forgiveness.
So this morning we are going to be looking at the idea of forgiveness. However, before we arrive at an explicit teaching of Jesus regarding forgiveness, we are going to look at the beginning of Jesus' public ministry. If you will remember, we have previously been exploring Jesus' childhood and then his baptism as an ordaining event. Now we will transition to some of the first events in the life of the public Jesus.
If you have your bibles with you this morning, turn to Luke chapter 4.
Text: Luke 4: 14-21
What's interesting about this passage is that we recognize, much as the gospel of Matthew has demonstrated for us, that Jesus' ministry is one of teaching. It comes to include miracles, healings, and exorcisms, but Jesus is very much a teacher. So Jesus goes about teaching in Galilee and then comes to his hometown of Nazareth. Jesus, here in the synagogue of Nazareth, proclaims a prophetic message from Isaiah.
Just because Jesus chooses this scripture from the Hebrew Bible does not mean that we can necessarily interpret these things of Jesus himself. Rather, it is because Jesus, as recorded in this Gospel, believes these things are fulfilled in himself. If this is the case, then we can understand the purpose of Jesus' public ministry through the scriptural prophecy.
Reading from Isaiah serves two important purposes for understanding Jesus. First, the opening line of the passage Jesus reads states that the “spirit of the Lord is upon me.” What this is expressing is a special relationship between Jesus and Yahweh, which we observed at Jesus' baptism when he was ordained into public ministry. God had found favor with Jesus; there existed a special relationship. Second, the remaining verses from the passage Jesus read characterize the focus, flavor, and concern of Jesus in his ministry. There is Good News for the poor, liberty for the captives, sight for the blind, and freedom for the oppressed. At the very end we see that it is the year of the Lord's favor. Jesus then boldly claims that those who are listening are witnessing the fulfillment of such prophecy, implicitly claiming that it is he who has brought the fulfillment. Jesus is a bearer of Good News, Liberty, and Sight.
When we apply the prophetic message that Jesus claims to his ministry, we will notice that Jesus truly does minister to the oppressed and needy, restore sight both physical and spiritual, and offer Good News to the poor. But what he offers to the poor is in truth for us all, because we are all poor in reality. We lack the divinity that is needed to bring us reconciliation with God.
So the ministry of Jesus can be interpreted in light of this passage pieced together from Isaiah. The question we then have to ask ourselves is: how does all this happen? What principle motivates such compassion and mercy? What is behind compassion and mercy? I want to suggest to you this morning that the principle made explicit in Jesus' death is the operating principle behind Jesus' ministry: forgiveness. So today let us examine forgiveness.
I submit to you this morning that to be a Christian is to embrace forgiveness, and not just the typical understanding of our personal forgiveness from God through Christ's atonement. Instead I want to reflect on the over-arching and ever-present mentality of forgiveness that we all need in our world today. So this morning I will ask you to consider the notion of pre-forgiveness. The idea that the world and people are already forgiven, not just by Christ, but also by you and me.
But first let us look at what “forgiveness” is? As I tend to do a lot, allow me to ask you to think about the original understanding and etymology of the word “forgiveness.” The roots of the word forgiveness stretch back to Old English and the word “forgiefan.” It meant to give, grant, or allow and many times pertained to the giving involved in marriage. The prefix “for-” literally means completely. The stem “giefan” literally means “to give.” To forgive is to completely give. However, that isn't the way we typically understand forgiveness. The modern usage often implies a giving up of desire or power to punish. And actually that understanding comes from the latin “perdonare” (German: “vergeben”) which comes into English as “pardon.”
Forgiveness as we use it today is more like “pardon”... to forgo deserved punishment, to give up power/desire to punish. But this morning I am going to ask us not to focus on the personal aspect of forgiveness which is linked to God sparing us from our deserved punishment. Instead we are going to focus on forgiveness as a complete and total gift to the world. But not just from God, also from us as we transmit God's forgiveness to the world.
We have lost the idea of forgiveness as a gift, grant or allowance. A lot of times forgiveness feels like a burden. Christ asks us to remember that forgiveness is not as much about punishment and who deserves it, but about the gift of Mercy, and how we all get it.
Text: Matthew 18: 21- 22
Jesus asks us to forgive 490 times; seven times seventy. But the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we think Jesus wants us to literally forgive a person 490 times, and then after that we are free to withhold forgiveness, or whether this is somehow asking us to forgive always. Remember that numbers are very important in biblical times. Numbers have central importance to the creation narrative which gives us our seven day week. Seven is a very important number, because it represents totality or completeness. Also, remember if you will that any multiple of seven, or any additional sevens in a number magnify the importance of totality or completeness. Thus, Jesus does not just say completely forgive, or forgive a lot, but rather COMPLETELY, TOTALLY, and ALWAYS forgive: there is no limit to forgiveness. Forgiveness does not dry up.
My question now is: how then, can we be expected to do this? Well, if we look at how Jesus did it, then we might be able to understand how we can do the same. So we need to look at Jesus ministry as a whole and his death to comprehend how Jesus “did” forgiveness. Jesus ministry, as the precursor to his death, was not separate from his death. Both Jesus' ministry and death can be seen in the light of forgiveness. If the event of the cross was the culmination of his ministry in ever-lasting forgiveness, then Jesus' ministry in itself was working to express that principle in concrete ways.
I submit to you this morning that Jesus' ministry was the concrete application of ever-lasting forgiveness. Jesus ministered and spent time with those that the world had rejected. Jesus' message catered to the dirty, unclean, ill, possessed and “out-of-bounds” members of society. Thus, Jesus could be seen as someone who showed kindness and mercy to the seemingly un-forgiven.
Why were they “seemingly” un-forgiven? Because they were only un-forgiven im-pure, and un-clean from the perspective of those who could not accept them. Jesus, by virtue of his acceptance, sees them as forgiven subjects of God's Mercy. These are not un-forgiven people with whom Jesus associates, but forgiven people whom the world does not recognize. Jesus sees and plays out God's Mercy in the world by seeing people as forgiven.
But to view the world through the eyes of forgiveness is difficult to do. Yet we must ask ourselves how we view people. Do we view the world through the lens of forgiveness? Are people un-forgiven in our eyes, or are they already forgiven? When we see people as forgiven, how does that change how we interact with those around us, especially when we are wronged? God has already forgiven them. Shouldn't we?
To view the world through the eyes of forgiveness requires two things: first, that the eyes have received forgiveness, and second that the world has been forgiven. Both of these conditions have been satisfied for all time by Christ. We live in a terrible world which was terribly forgiven by the Christ. Do we acknowledge and accept that world, or do we reject it? Do we choose to hold on to our own wrath, hate and fury, and refuse to offer our forgiveness? Forgiveness is not as much about doing something as it is about accepting something that has already been done.
I am not saying that forgiveness is not tough, difficult, or at times seemingly burdensome. When we have been seriously wronged it is incredibly hard to sacrifice our dignity and pride at the alter of forgiveness. But then again, the world ultimately is not about us. The world has already been forgiven and so we must extend that attitude of forgiveness to others. We have been filled with forgiveness so that we might overflow and offer the world a taste of the beauty of forgiveness. When we as Christians to not demonstrate forgiveness, when we hold on to our fury and our hatred, we give a message to the world of fury and hatred. I do not believe that is Christ's message.
In his book Lee: The Last Years, Charles Flood reports that after the Civil War, Robert E. Lee visited a Kentucky lady who took him to the remains of a grand old tree in front of her house. And there she bitterly cried that its limbs and trunk had been destroyed by Federal artillery fire. She looked to Lee for a word condemning the North or at least sympathizing with her loss. After a brief silence, Lee said, "Cut it down, my dear Madam, and forget it." It is better to forgive the injustices of the past than to allow them to remain, let bitterness take root and poison the rest of our life.
We must learn to forgive, but not because it hasn't been done. Forgiveness has already come, when we choose to reject it—when we cannot forgive others—we may be indicating that we cannot forgive ourselves. The pain of un-forgiveness can saturates us, and ultimately can poison us.
Listen to these profound and moving words: “O Lord, remember not only the men and women of good will, but also those of ill will. But do not remember all of the suffering they have inflicted upon us: Instead remember the fruits we have borne because of this suffering, our fellowship, our loyalty to one another, our humility, our courage, our generosity, the greatness of heart that has grown from this trouble. When our persecutors come to be judged by you, let all of these fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness.” These are the words that were found on the clothing of a dead child at Ravensbruck concentration camp. How is it possible that we cannot forgive, when this child, experiencing one of the greatest wrongs of humanity, can do so?
This morning as you reflect on forgiveness, remember that you have been forgiven by a loving God that embraces you. But also remember that the Love you receive is a gift that must be transmitted to the world in forgiveness. The rest of the world has been forgiven by God. Have you forgiven those in the world as well?
Let us sing.
Benediction: Lord of Heaven and Earth we thank you this morning for our forgiveness. May we be sources of forgiveness in this world, recognizing that you have loved us all so much, that you would send the Christ to us, to offer us all Hope, Love, Peace, Joy and Redemption. And let us resist our selfish desire for hate and vengeance, and instead offer Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness so that we may Love as you have Loved and Forgive as you have Forgiven.
My internship with Community Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Lincolnshire, Illinois has come to an end. However, I will be staying on with this community of faith as the Sabbatical Minister while Kory Wilcoxson, the Senior Minister, is on Sabbatical from June 1 to September 7.
I will post my sermons, newsletter articles, as well as theological and personal reflections which may include book reviews or random thoughts. Please comment, I love conversation.
I will post my sermons, newsletter articles, as well as theological and personal reflections which may include book reviews or random thoughts. Please comment, I love conversation.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
The Forgiven World
Posted by
Michael Swartzentruber
2:16 PM
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