A fellow divinity school student recently sent out an e-mail calling our attention to the issue of Sarah Palin's vice presidential bid as it intersects with conservative evangelical theology and the issue of women's leadership. He pointed us toward a provocative article which can be found at http://blogs.usatoday.com/oped/2008/09/the-palin-predi.html.
Although the "women's leadership issue" is one of great concern for many on both sides of the debate (about the legitimate role of women as leaders in the home, church, and/or civil office), the Palin vice presidential bid adds a further dimension. This is the dimension of the relationship between "religious beliefs" and "state office." It is not just about the legitimacy of Palin's bid, but about the legitimacy of her supporters supporting her while holding certain religious views (some assessments might render such support and certain conservative biblical views to be in "cognitive dissonance"). The issue seems ripe for all kinds of comments about the nature of political and religious participation: are the political and religious "spheres" distinct and separate, distinct but not separate, or completely intertwined?
Regardless of our political persuasion (Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, Independent, etc), Palin-for-vice-president catapults the discussion regarding women in leadership into religious forums. This is a sensitive area for many, and discussion, I believe, will move us in a positive direction.
So, with that in mind, I have some questions:
- If one believes (for whatever reason) that women should not have "spiritual leadership" in the home or church, can a woman still have leadership in civil office? If yes, does this imply that civil office is NOT a spiritual position of leadership?
- If one believes (for whatever reason) that women should not have ANY leadership in home or church, can a woman still have leadership in civil office? If yes, on what grounds? Is civil office NOT a position of leadership?
- Can one still support a vice-presidential candidate even if her role is not considered legitimate (for whatever reason) for such reasons as "the lesser of all the evils"?
- Is the Palin-for-vice-president issue constructive for our country?
I hope you find these questions interesting and worth responding to as I would love to read your comments!
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